
we are an autistic, adhd osdd system, the jester's hell system!
our main host is victor blake!
sometimes we forget to respond to dms or talk to friends,
but it doesn't mean we're ignoring you or anything!!
shoot us another message just in case! we may have also simply fallen asleep mid convo.

we are chronically ill, so if we don't respond for a bit, don't worry about it. we are probably just Dealing With It.
we are also. very very awkward with keeping convos going. words are Hard

once again! we love art! which you can see most, if not all of our art on our tumblr. usually vtsom art.

PLEASE ask us about our ocs!!! we would love to talk about them, or our oc world "juggling in the moonlight"!
the favorite ocs of ours are matilda murrow, rin magicks and kerinthas m. jones.
rin and kerin are both ocs for games, though, so you may or may not get a whole infodump depending on if you know the games or not. that is a Warning!

as stated already, we love horror! mainly horror.

a few of our favorite games/shows, in general and in Some particular order, are:

may be updated sometimes as this is not a full list!!!

this user:

this user loves isopods WARNING! This user sleeps a lot. this user is very beautiful. very powerful. THIS USER LOVES SAM & MAX
This user loves Vincent: The Secret of Myers This user loves Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger This user's therapist is a little weird victor
This user loves the night sky. This user has been found dead in Miami. this users passion is graphic design. This user loves their mutuals.

art !! | go back? | blinkies !!